If you or a loved one has suffered as a result of a failed back or neck surgery in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering, among other losses. We work with experienced medical malpractice attorneys, who charge no legal fees unless you obtain a settlement or award. Feel free to give us a call or fill out a contact form for a free, no obligation, case evaluation.

Four surgeons operating

Approximately 200,000 Americans undergo back surgeries every year. While statistics generally indicate about an 80% success rate, physician practice indicates a much lower 50% success rate. This 50% number equates to only one out of every two back surgeries successfully treating the patient. Back and neck surgeries, specifically fusion surgeries, are very complex and risky medical procedures from which malpractice issues and liability may arise in the event of a surgical mistake. These are difficult operations during with two or more vertebrae are permanently connected or welded together to prevent movement between them. The surgery is generally performed on patients who suffer debilitating back pain, and are looking for treatment to relieve that pain.

Spinal Fusion Surgeries May Be Used to Treat:

  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Unstable spine conditions resulting from infection, scoliosis, deformity, and/or fractures
  • Among other ailments…

Spinal Fusion Procedures

Spinal fusion surgical procedures use a bone graft to create one long bone, while causing the two vertebrae to grow (otherwise known as “fuse”) together. A number of back and neck surgeries involve the placement of screws, plates, and other hardware into the spine for stability or fusion purposes. Proper placement is a critical factor influencing the outcome of the procedure. In instances of improper or problematic placement, poor results may occur and necessitate corrective or removal surgeries.

This type of surgery is usually considered when non-surgical alternatives have been tried and have subsequently failed to treat the patient’s condition. Spinal fusion surgery can be effective in alleviating an individual’s back pain, but it remains accompanied by certain risks and consequences. Considering that there is not a clear consensus within the medical community as to proper patient candidates for this procedures, the opportunity for medical malpractice is ever present.

X-Ray of a failed back and neck surgery.

Spinal fusion surgeries may not even be appropriate for all individuals, especially where there are other medical techniques available with lesser degrees of risk. For medical professionals pursuing this route of treatment, great care must be taken to avoid damage to the spinal cord and surrounding areas. Because the spinal cord does not regenerate, any injury to it sustained during a surgery can have serious consequences. Unfortunately, bad outcomes may occur from back surgery, but these outcomes do not necessarily mean that medical malpractice was committed. In spite of the extensive knowledge and careful treatment by medical professionals, complications can occur.

Contact d’Oliveira & Associates

Lawyer talking to two clients about a failed back and neck surgery.

If you or a loved one has suffered injury or complications as the result of a failed neck or back surgery in Rhode Island or Massachusetts, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact an attorney who has experience handling these types of cases so that you can understand your rights. The d’Oliveira & Associates law firm works closely with well-qualified medical malpractice attorneys who can help you pursue a valid claim, and charge no legal fees unless you obtain a settlement or award. Call us at 1-800-992-6878 or fill out an online contact form on our website for more information.